Saturday, August 29, 2009

Patients to get self check in

Patients to get self check-in
Article from: The Advertiser


August 29, 2009 12:01am

A DO-IT-YOURSELF check-in kiosk for hospitals and doctors' clinics, similar to those used by airline passengers, should be considered, a U.S. expert says.

Dr Erica Drazen, a Massachusetts-based partner at IT services firm CSC, this week spoke to SA Health officials about how technology could further help patients take care of themselves and improve customer service.

She said the kiosk system, first used in U.S. clinics before spreading to hospitals, had been a success.

"It's basically the airline kiosk system translated into health care," Dr Drazen said.

"Patients come up and insert some sort of ID card, for example a driver's licence or credit card, and their appointment details come out. It can even print a map telling them where to go within a building or book their next appointment."

The cost of buying, installing and maintaining an Australian kiosk model was still being developed, Dr Drazen said.

SA Health chief executive Dr Tony Sherbon said the new Royal Adelaide Hospital would provide an opportunity to introduce "21st Century" technology to patient care.

"We are interested in what's going on internationally in electronic health reform," he said.

"However, it is premature at this stage to comment on what that technology might be."

Australian Medical Association state president Dr Andrew Lavender said kiosks should not replace face-to-face interaction.

"I think cutting out that initial interaction . . . is not necessarily the best idea," he said.

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